Robert Brandenberger

Robert Brandenberger - October 28, 2021 - Nonsingular Cosmologies and Black Holes with S-Branes

Robert Brandenberger: Trans Planckian Censorship Conjecture

Innovative Café / Café innovant

International Physics Webinar_28

String Gas Cosmology to the Rescue! (336)

Stephen Hawking - A Personal Perspective

Corfu2022 - NC - 220919 01 - Brandenberger Pateloudis Tsuchiya

Panel on Inflation

CITA 847: String Theory, Swampland Conjectures and Implications for Inflation and Dark Energy

International Physics Webinar_133

[2404.13035] Embedded domain walls and electroweak baryogenesis

Cosmologists debate: Was the Big Bang the beginning?

Emergent Metric Space-Time from Matrix Theory

Panel Discussion “Quantum cosmology”

Peter Brandenberger - Home - Blind Audition - The Voice of Switzerland 2014

The Observational Status of Inflation and Perspectives for Future Observations by Fabio Finelli

Nonsingular Bounce Cosmology & Perturbation Theory-Effective Field Theory Perspective by Yi-Fu Cai

I Heard The Bluebirds Sing, Bluegrass Music Videos from The Brandenberger Family

Auld Lang Syne Music Video from The Brandenberger Family featuring family harmonies.

Quantum-to-Classical Transition of the Primordial Perturbations by Andreas Albrecht

Limiting Curvature in the Very Early Universe by Jerome Quintin

Particle Physics in the Early Universe (Lecture 3) by Masahide Yamaguchi

Can We Observe the Quantum Origin of Primordial Perturbations? by Jerome Martin

The bouncing scenario (Lecture 1) by Patrick Peter